First things first: load this page on a computer. If you are on a phone, the steps described in the video below will still work, but they will be much easier and faster on a computer. Use whichever browser you prefer (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Brave, etc.). Whichever browser you use, be sure to know what browser tabs are and how to use them. If you don't know, click this link. (Tip: if you hold down the control key — or the command key on Mac — while you click the link, your browser will open the link in a new tab. Then you can click back and forth between the two tabs as you continue.)
The video below shows how to access (and change) your account settings, which is the first step in becoming familiar with Wagtail. The Lab is built upon CodeRed CMS, which is a layer of functionality built around the basic Wagtail setup. You don't need to know any of these technical details. You do need to know how to use a browser on a computer (most people have that skill these days, right?).
Before starting the video, please click the button below to review the privacy guidelines that apply to your user account. This will open a new web page. After reviewing that page, return here.
Privacy Guidelines